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来自 : 起名网 发布时间:2021-03-25

原Oh dear god; I don\'t even know where to begin with this!Absolutely no one in their right mind would ever name their child this. The child would have to change their name. That\'s a guarantee. Even as a surname it\'s bad enough.Naming a child this as his first or middle is just shoving gay rights and gay propaganda down the poor kids throat and setting him up for a life of hell.I get that there are gay people but giving it as a name is going way too far.Even full adults would cringe and make fun of this name. Awful doesn\'t even begin to cover this nameThis name should be banned! Sorry, but gay doesn\'t really mean happy anymore...That ship sailed and sunk.


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本文链接: http://gaylord.immuno-online.com/view-766247.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)